What is Feng Shui?
Feng shui is the Ancient Eastern Art of understanding the Law of the Universe and that everything is made of Qi Energy, vibrating at different frequencies. This simple universal law can be used to bring happiness and success in all area of your life.
Feng Shui originated in China over 3000 years ago where the Emperors employed Feng Shui Masters to locate advantageous sites to build villages and find harmonious gravesites for ancestors, to enable prosperity and wealth in the afterlife.
Feng Shui has found its place in modern society, and the ancient philosophy is used by businesses and in people's homes all around the world. The benefits are widely known and used in millions of homes and businesses around the world.
Everyone's luck consists of three aspects:
Heaven Luck - The luck you are given at birth.
Earth Luck - The luck you are given based on where you were born
Man luck - This luck you can work on through your good deeds, education and it all comes together with 'what you think, do and create'. Where intension goes, energy flows. Feng shui falls into your Earth Luck
Learn more more about the Feng Shui Luck philosophy here.